sabato, novembre 21, 2020

Certificazione acustica e vibratoria delle macchine, nel nuovo manuale Inail

Certificazione acustica e vibratoria delle macchine, nel nuovo manuale Inail

Il relax arriva anche dal rumore dell'acqua - Lombardia

Il relax arriva anche dal rumore dell'acqua - Lombardia

mercoledì, aprile 09, 2014

What Does Sound Look Like? - YouTube

What Does Sound Look Like?

"When light passes between areas of different air density, it bends.

You've probably noticed the way distant pavement seems to shimmer on a hot day, or the way stars appear to twinkle. You're seeing light that has been distorted it passes through varying air densities, which are in turn created by varying temperatures and pressures.

In the mid-nineteenth century, German physicist August Toepler invented a photography technique called Schlieren Flow Visualization to visually capture these changes in density."

Learn more from +NPR

What Does Sound Look Like? - YouTube:

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What Does Sound Look Like? - YouTube

What Does Sound Look Like?

"When light passes between areas of different air density, it bends.

You've probably noticed the way distant pavement seems to shimmer on a hot day, or the way stars appear to twinkle. You're seeing light that has been distorted it passes through varying air densities, which are in turn created by varying temperatures and pressures.

In the mid-nineteenth century, German physicist August Toepler invented a photography technique called Schlieren Flow Visualization to visually capture these changes in density."

Learn more from +NPR

What Does Sound Look Like? - YouTube:

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giovedì, ottobre 31, 2013

Agevolazioni fiscali per interventi di contenimento dell’inquinamento acustico

Agevolazioni fiscali per interventi di contenimento dell’inquinamento acustico

Le agevolazioni fiscali previste per le ristrutturazioni degli edifici residenziali (detrazioni dall’IRPEF del 50% delle somme spese), spettano anche agli interventi finalizzati al contenimento dell’inquinamento acustico.
Oltre alle spese necessarie per l’esecuzione dei lavori, sono ammesse all'agevolazione anche le spese per le prestazioni professionali connesse (spese di progettazione, relazioni di conformità, perizie ecc..). L’intervento è detraibile purché sia certificato il raggiungimento dei requisiti di legge.
Per maggiori informazioni consultare la guida alle agevolazioni fiscali per le ristrutturazioni edilizie messa a disposizione dall'Agenzia delle Entrate e recentemente aggiornata (ottobre 2013).
La detrazione fiscale sulle ristrutturazioni edilizie non ha più scadenza. Infatti, dal 1° gennaio 2012 è stata resa permanente dal Decreto Legge n. 201/2011 e inserita tra gli oneri detraibili dall’Irpef.

giovedì, settembre 19, 2013

Acoustic Scattering Research | LMNts

From Evernote:

Acoustic Scattering Research | LMNts

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Acoustic Scattering Research – The Setup

By /08 Jul 2013/No Comments

Acoustic scattering is a measure of how well a surface can spread sound energy evenly in all directions.  The concept is simple enough, but achieving the evenness part can be difficult to design for given the complexity of how spaces are shaped, material properties, and how sound behaves.  This is why we have acoustic consultants on projects, particularly when performance spaces are involved, because the consultants bring knowledge and familiarity that we as architects likely don't possess.  Sometimes this collaboration leads to new questions or proposals that neither party has enough information to properly judge.  What better way to get that information then to do some research.

Digital Model of a 3-D Acoustics Goniometer (courtesy David T. Bradley)

We're currently assisting David T. Bradley at Vassar College with his research into acoustic scattering and will be sharing some of the process and results of that research here on our blog.  This collaboration came about after David saw some of the visualizations (1,2) we produced while trying to simulate the behavior of sound with ray-tracing.  It turned out that David and his team were building a 3D acoustic goniometer for physically testing acoustic diffusion from surfaces(more about that later).



Our role has been to generate a set of diffusive surfaces for testing.  The surface geometry is composed of repeating units that are derived from a pyramid, a common diffuser shape, and David specified a set of parameters to vary: length and width of the pyramids, depth, corner lift pattern, and the distribution pattern.

At this point, we've generated digital versions of 14 surfaces that represent a variety of testing combinations and have also milled out a 24″ diameter physical version of each surface. The next step is for us to run each of the surfaces through our ray-tracing definition and the Vassar team will start analyzing the physical surfaces over the course of the summer.